Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Intuitive Sessions, Readings and Healings

Intuitive Sessions:

Chakra Readings - scanning your energy field with my third eye, picking up on imbalanced energies where we can do healing work on, a chakra meditation, or other services not mentioned here. This is the place where we go deep into your psyche and I channel information needed for you to transcend further down your path. Chakra readings are always a helpful source if you are a beginner or want to go deeper into your spiritual development!

Chakra Clearing Healings - This is another level of the Chakra Readings. A Chakra reading can be performed before the healing to help assist me as to what we should do during the healing. I may also in addition to my third eye, use my hands to scan your body to give me even more information to help me in helping you. I will also call in angels, Ascended Master and beings of light to be there with us, so it is not only I as the human individual helping you, but it is also others on a higher level that support us as well. You may also ask for any being to be present with us during this time!

These Sessions can also be affiliated with any of the Reiki Sessions mentioned below, as well as Frequency Balancing, or a Chakra Meditation Session.

Chakra Meditation Sessions -

Tarot Readings - I love offering tarot readings and have been offering them for many years. This is a way you can find answers to questions you may not know you have, or questions you have been unwilling to communicate about. I completely use my intuition with the pictures on the cards. This is a fun experience and also very rewarding!

Angel Readings -

Working with angels is my regular area of endeavors; whether it is through meditation, teaching, giving sessions, or channeling. My contact with angels is what has saved me several times and is what has brought me on this powerful journey as a Healer.

I've had many experiences with seeing angels since I was a child and have always been sensitive to energy. As a young girl, I had painted on my wall, “VIBES ARE EVERYTHING”. I learned young that there is so much out there that we can’t physically see and to always look beyond the obvious.

When I do Angel Readings I work with angel cards, channeling, prayer and guidance.

Past Life Readings - Past life readings can be done during an energy healing session, or by itself in a channeled session. This can help you in your present life where you are playing out old patterns from the past; in other lives. Perhaps you are living out experiences and you don't understand why life is just not working out the way you want it. This is where past lives come into play!

Past Life Healing Sessions -

Meditation Sessions -
Meditation through guidance and through instruction. Meditations are often guided through channeling, but we may also listen to soft music or I may read to you from a book.

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