Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Intuitive Sessions, Readings and Healings

Intuitive Sessions:

Chakra Readings - scanning your energy field with my third eye, picking up on imbalanced energies where we can do healing work on, a chakra meditation, or other services not mentioned here. This is the place where we go deep into your psyche and I channel information needed for you to transcend further down your path. Chakra readings are always a helpful source if you are a beginner or want to go deeper into your spiritual development!

Chakra Clearing Healings - This is another level of the Chakra Readings. A Chakra reading can be performed before the healing to help assist me as to what we should do during the healing. I may also in addition to my third eye, use my hands to scan your body to give me even more information to help me in helping you. I will also call in angels, Ascended Master and beings of light to be there with us, so it is not only I as the human individual helping you, but it is also others on a higher level that support us as well. You may also ask for any being to be present with us during this time!

These Sessions can also be affiliated with any of the Reiki Sessions mentioned below, as well as Frequency Balancing, or a Chakra Meditation Session.

Chakra Meditation Sessions -

Tarot Readings - I love offering tarot readings and have been offering them for many years. This is a way you can find answers to questions you may not know you have, or questions you have been unwilling to communicate about. I completely use my intuition with the pictures on the cards. This is a fun experience and also very rewarding!

Angel Readings -

Working with angels is my regular area of endeavors; whether it is through meditation, teaching, giving sessions, or channeling. My contact with angels is what has saved me several times and is what has brought me on this powerful journey as a Healer.

I've had many experiences with seeing angels since I was a child and have always been sensitive to energy. As a young girl, I had painted on my wall, “VIBES ARE EVERYTHING”. I learned young that there is so much out there that we can’t physically see and to always look beyond the obvious.

When I do Angel Readings I work with angel cards, channeling, prayer and guidance.

Past Life Readings - Past life readings can be done during an energy healing session, or by itself in a channeled session. This can help you in your present life where you are playing out old patterns from the past; in other lives. Perhaps you are living out experiences and you don't understand why life is just not working out the way you want it. This is where past lives come into play!

Past Life Healing Sessions -

Meditation Sessions -
Meditation through guidance and through instruction. Meditations are often guided through channeling, but we may also listen to soft music or I may read to you from a book.

Specific Energy Healing Treatments:

Healing Sessions of Energy Healing -

Usui Reiki

This is a very gentle form of reiki. It can be used to heal physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual parts of ourselves. It is a very powerful, yet, subtle shift in our awareness. One must be able to sense energy to feel its power and presence, otherwise, it may feel like nothing is being done at all.

Shamballa Reiki

Shamballa Reiki is a form of reiki that utilizes all the symbols of Usui Reiki, as well as Karuna Reiki, Tera-Mei Seichem Reiki and more. Shamballa Reiki has over 300 symbols that can be accessed and used when a practitioner, and some channeled are often symbols of Shamballa. This energy is like a lightning bolt of fire and goes very deep and creates a feeling of intensity.

Tera-Mei Seichem Reiki

Tera-Mei Seichem is another form of Reiki not often spoken of. It is a highly vibrational form of healing, however, with a very subtle vibration. Tera-Mei Seichem is quite unique since its’ energies are of the elements of our Mother Earth; earth, air, fire, water, and spirit. It helps for grounding, intensifying healing, heals from the root cause, gentle love from a higher source, and assists to manifest your desires.

Kundalini Reiki

Kundalini Reiki is a very safe and gentle way to awaken Kundalini energy. The Kundalini energy is also referred to as ”the Kundalini Fire”. The energy runs up through the body, through the “main energy channel”, and out of the Crown chakra on the top of the head. An open Kundalini means that over a period of time, a complete cleansing of the chakras, the body and the energy channels are open.

IET - Integrative Energy Therapy -

Integrated Energy Therapy Integrated Energy Therapy is a form of healing that uses acupressure and a hand gesture technique to cleanse the physical body and aura of emotional blocks from the present or past. IET cleanses the body internally and externally, using a method to pull the energies out from the body clearing the aura, or energy field with a simple movement of the hand in connection with the acupressure point the practitioner holds. It helps to relax and rejuvenate the individual and gives a feeling of complete lightness after a session. IET is a frequency of energy connected with Angel Ariel or any being the practitioner feels draw to the most, but directly links their heart chakra to the heart chakra of the divine.

Igilli Energy Healing -

Igili Energy Therapy is a light gentle touch energy therapy where one feels relaxed and at peace within. Igili Energy Therapy was incorporated into formal teachings by founder Victoria Pendragon who named the technique in honor of a group of 7 angels from the Pleiades. Igili healing occurs when the practitioner’s energy goes into the body and stays there so that the person can learn why the imbalanced energies started in the first place. In an Igili Healing session, energies are integrated and dissolved within the body, rather than released like other healing systems. Healing energy from Igili supports an individual in a space of loving compassion so that harmful imbalanced energies dissolve over time.

Frequency Balancing -

Frequency Balancing is a treatment modality that focuses on balancing the four main components of the human energy system. (Four of the main components of the human energy system are: Acupuncture/meridian lines, Chi – the energy that runs through the meridian lines, your aura, and the chakras – the energy center that receive and send chi throughout your body). Frequency Balancing is for people who want to come back to balance. During a FB session, I will intuitively scan your body for the blocks, and then use methods of clearing and remove the excess energies that are no longer needed. Frequency Balancing is a method of energy healing where I use my hand as a laser to clear away any stuck energy, as a light coming out of a wand, or an invisible ball of light to create a vortex for cleansing. FB helps people to reduce stress, promote healing, balance emotions, clear a person’s energy meridians and balance the main energy centers of the body (the front and back major chakras).

Axiotonal Alignments

When you receive a Full Body Axiotonal Alignment, you connect to the cosmic lattice, clearing your meridian lines, and balancing your chakras. It helps one to re-establish a connection to your Overself/oversoul bringing “the energy of the future” to you.

Intuitive Healing Sessions - Intuitive Healing Sessions can incorporate any form of healing I offer. These sessions are guided and there is no protocol for what may happen. It is a place where we let go and surrender to what may come!

Fees: $100 to $150 an hour depending on your circumstances!

I am guided in all the work I do.

I sometimes use: crystals, colors, incense, healing cards, a pendulum, white sage &/or sweet grass, candles, and soft music. Energy sessions and massage sessions are quite different, although they are often incorporated together, depending on the individual’s wants and needs.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

My Healing Practice

My practice involves an integration of healing modalities that are unique to the field of wellness, spirituality and health. I also do sessions that are focused on a singular method. The types of modalities that I include are: Integrated Energy Therapy, Igilli, Usui Reiki, Shamballa Reiki, Tera-Mei Seichem Reiki, Chakra Clearing with Angels and Crystals, Frequency Balancing, Axiotonal Alignments, Breathwork, Spiritual Counseling, WellSea Approach, Jin Shin Do Bodymind Acupressure, and Shiatsu Massage. Whether I focus on one method or another, the client and his or her openness to my “knowing” of what direction to take determine the integration of modalities. Each session may be completely different depending on the information I receive of his or her needs. The types of healing are all labeled differently, however, the focus, intention, compassion, and energy put into the session is the same. They all are targeted to help the person to release stress, relax, heal from physical or emotional symptoms and to help them open up a door that can lead them closer to their dreams, desires, and become a stronger beacon of love and light. My sessions help the client to learn about himself so that he can ultimately teach himself in life and utilize opportunities to become whole.

My methods of healing are unique. I use my own power of intuition to fill the needs of those who ask for my assistance. I do not go by any written or established guidelines or rules. I use the guidance of my higher self, the angels, the ascended masters and any divine light beings that enter the presence of the client and myself where I am working. I ask for the client’s higher self to participate in the healing session to assist him or her in whatever he or she may need, as well as asking them to join my higher self so they can work together as a team to help the individual on the table. When I begin a session I ask the participant what they are in need of and what their intentions are. Then I begin to explain what I offer.

The type of work I do fits in with Natural Healing through a process of getting in touch with the body through love, patience, trust, compassion, and time. The clients ultimately learn what they may need by practicing self-love. They grow to being able to feel all of their feelings, internally and externally, through internal forces and the outside world. Each session is geared towards being able to be with their body, being in touch with their feelings, being aware of every moment, every instance, every move of energy, every time a change of energy moves throughout their body inside or out. The type of healing I practice helps others to see their natural powers with ultimate relaxation. It helps them to start to trust their own inner knowing. It helps them to be more patient towards themselves. Natural Healing is about letting healing occur in a gentle way with love. My sessions are filled with complete love and a natural affinity in helping all of the person; not just part of him.

I’m passionate and love what I do because it brings miracles in people’s lives. The type of healing I do helps people from all walks of life, with any symptom, problem, situation, trauma, or difficulty, or even those who are already in a place of contentment; or perhaps those who think they are and are not. I would love to see all people come to a place of harmony within them, and be comfortable with every experience in which they embrace. I have seen people grow to become greater than they could ever imagine, and my work is the key to unlocking this gate.

The proof of my work is the testimonies of others who have changed their lives positively through this experience, through my presence and through love. There have been studies illustrating that energy therapy sometimes is the best healing form to help those with severe situations. One can establish confidence in this work by the experiences of those around them, the articles in the newspaper, magazines, stories they hear, by their own experience and by trusting their own feeling if it is something beneficial for them. Another reason these forms of Natural Healing have solidity is due to fact that teachers and practitioners have for decades and even centuries passed down these methods to successive generations to continue this work. As more people are becoming open to new healing forms, these modalities are becoming known and accepted by the general public. Many of these teachings have come from the great masters of India, China, and Tibet. These teachers have reached high authority through their work. I hope to become one of them.

I hope I can touch you in some way and help you transform what matters to you most and to help you gain a knowledge you never knew was possible.

Jennifer Rose, originally written 7-31-03 (when living in a house in the woods with a 10 foot by 10 foot window looking out at the trees)

(more recently)

The WellSea Approach - Full Body Acupressure & Shiatsu focused on Wellness and visualization

You have just received a full body healing session with the WellSea Approach Acupressure. Now what?

What is the WellSea Approach Acupressure?

The WellSea Approach Acupressure is a combination of Jin Shin Do Acupressure, Shiatsu, and Wellness. What does this mean?

During a session of WellSea Acupressure, the practitioner asks the client where they are feeling good that day. After the person receiving finds the area that feels good, the practitioner then asks what area in the body this good area can help. The client then chooses one area to work on in that moment. Even though there may have been several areas of discomfort throughout the day, the area of pain that is felt in the moment that the person is feeling, is the area that should be focused on.

When someone is receiving a healing, it is always best to work with the area that is present in the moment. This approach helps to target the area that your mind or body is most strongly connected to. If you work with an area or feeling that is not as strong, the area that is stronger will eventually come back to hurt you, bother you, or cause you to lose concentration from the area that you originally chose if you did not chose an area that had the strongest feeling to it when you first started.

The WellSea Approach is a method of light gentle acupressure, using gentle finger pressure, hand placements, and visualization to help move the stuck energy in the body. The less pressure being used to release the area of discomfort, sometimes the easier the pain in the body will release. When the practitioner and the client use visualization together to help move energy, the treatment can become very powerful. The more communication between the practitioner and the client, the more effective the session will be, and the faster the healing will occur. The WellSea Approach combines an advanced form of Soul Body Acupressure with the approach of becoming well, rather than focusing on how much pain one is feeling. This approach helps the individual to look for a solution, looking to the future, and gives them a feeling of hope, instead of a feeling of loss and emptiness after a treatment. The WellSea Approach helps people to become empowered within their own body, as they learn to realize how powerful their body is, and how it ultimately learns how to heal itself.

What if I don’t sense where my area of discomfort is?

If you cannot sense an area of discomfort during a session, the best place to chose is the area that has been bothering you the most. Some people are not as sensitive to pain as others. There are advantages and disadvantages to this. If you cannot tell where you have discomfort when you are lying on the table, chose a larger area that is tight, sore, or tense, and I will begin to hold different areas in this location, and together, we can pin-point the exact area or areas that need to be released and relaxed.

Why Acupressure? What if I don’t understand how this technique can help me? How do I know this is the best method for me?

If you are unsure if this is the best method for you, tell me. We can talk about your situation, and come up with a treatment plan that feels comfortable for you. There are other methods of healing I can use if you do not feel this is right for you. I am your practitioner, and I want to help you. If you have any concerns if this method is helpful, or unhelpful, let me know.

What if I cannot feel energy moving in my body?

Not everyone is able to feel energy moving in his or her own body. Not all people have the same abilities to their own sensitivity. If you cannot feel the energy moving in your body, don’t be alarmed. There are other ways you can tell that tension has been released.

How do I know if an area of pain has released?

When the area we have been working on begins to feel relaxed, you will know it is starting to release. When you no longer feel any pain in the area we are working on, then you will know it has completely released, and we can work on the next area.

How do I know when it’s time to move to the next area?

In addition to feeling pain release, you may also feel energy moving down your arms or legs. Energy may move into your fingertips or toes. This sensation is the bodies’ way of moving the energy that was blocked in a specific area we were working on that may have been stored there for a long period of time. The body is a very powerful healing machine. Holding points to release tensions is one way to let the body know it no longer needs to hold onto that tight area. As I am holding a specific area, after a brief period of time, the body then learns that it can let go.

How do I know if a session has really helped me?

After a session, you may not know that the session has helped you for several days, and often in the 1st few sessions, it takes several treatments before you can notice that it is helping. My recommendation, if you are serious about getting better, is to give yourself at least 5 to 10 treatments before you make a decision about the treatments. The more you listen to your body, the more your body will heal.

The focus of the WellSea Approach is to align your body so both sides of your body become parallel to each other. It may take time before you notice that your body is out of muscular alignment, since your muscles may have been holding in an imbalanced position for a very long time, and you may have become used to the tightness, that it feels normal. After a certain amount of sessions, you may notice pains in your body that you did not have before the treatment. This is because when removing one layer of tightness, often you will feel tightness in another area since the first area has relaxed.

During the session, many things happened that I’ve never experienced before, but I didn’t feel comfortable mentioning them or knew what they meant.

Sometimes an individual might feel different emotions that they had not felt in a long time. These emotions are not something you have never felt before. They are often feelings that have not been experienced in quite some time. This experience is normal. As the emotions come up, all you have to do is be aware of them, breath into the feeling, and watch them leave. If you have trouble letting the feelings go and want to talk about them as they come up, you may do this and I can assist you in your process of releasing them.

Other experiences might be visions of many difference kinds. You might see colors, images, pictures, scenes, energy, or anything that your imagine can take you to. These visions are perfectly normal if they come up. They are portraying to yourself your own process of healing and can often give you messages about your own growth, your process and where you are emotionally in that moment. If you wish to share them with me I can help you understand more of what they signify. Or, if they are images that are not pleasant and you want to get rid of them as we are working, I can also help you in visualizations on the table that can assist them in leaving.

If the WellSea Approach is always working with acupuncture points, how is it different from Acupuncture?

Acupuncture works with needles. The doctor gives the patient needles and lets the patient rest on a table in a room alone. The patient has no contact with the doctor to let them know how they are feeling while they are in the room alone. Often they become relaxed and fall asleep. It is a less personal form of healing, although, very good. It is different in its’ approach.

The difference in the approach is that in WellSea Acupressure, the practitioner stays in the room with the client, and they communicate with one another to assist the body in releasing areas of tension on a minute-by-minute basis. Anything can shift in the body at any moment, and when having the practitioner in the room any area can be targeted as soon as the area of discomfort arises. Two hands are also used in WellSea Acupressure. For this reason, several points can be held at once, a ball can be used to add to two points in different locations, and the feeling of compassion and support is often felt from the person who is receiving a session.

WellSea Approach also can be very helpful when the client experiences a release of emotions that come up from doing the acupressure work. In some instances, different feelings of emotions come up during a session of Acupressure. The practitioner is trained how to be supportive, nurturing, helpful, and to be a good listener to the receiver. In a sense, it can also be like a counseling session, although having the added benefit of receiving bodywork at the same time.

WellSea Approach works on acupuncture points that rest on specific meridian lines. Each of the meridian lines is connected to different organs in the body. Each of these organs stores different emotions in the body, from the present or the past. Sometimes old emotions come up that had been carried in the body for years. When this happens, the person receiving may be in shock that they are feeling this way. I as the practitioner am trained to listen and be a good healer. I will offer nothing but love and support when this happens. Sometimes, releasing emotions is the only way to heal the body. The body and mind and connected. Often you cannot heal one without healing the other.

How is the experience after a session different from other techniques?

* After a session of WellSea Acupressure, you might experience several things different than in other methods. Some of them might be:

* A greater sense of well being than prior to the session.

* Deep sleep, memory of dreams when you awake the next day, better rest

* A feeling of greater alignment in your body

* A feeling of lightness and relaxation

* A stronger desire to stretch or do yoga and a greater ability to do so

* More alertness and ability to focus

* A greater knowing to your own feelings

How do I know when to schedule the next appointment?

My best guidance for you in making your next appointment is to listen to your body. If your body is in pain, it may be time for another session. If you are feeling overwhelmed, or is stress, it may be time to make another appointment. Your body will always tell you when you need to pay attention to it.

If your situation is more serious than occasional feelings of pain, and you are always in pain, I would come as often as you can.

Sessions can be made 2 to 3 times a week, once a week, and then go to once a month, and eventually once every couple of months. If you are already healthy, then once every couple of months is all I recommend for WellSea Acupressure. If your body is in a lot of pain, a couple times a week is best in order for you to get back in alignment.

It is up to you as to how often you want to give your body a treatment. If you are hurting, it is your bodies’ way of talking to you. I am here, as a guide, and I will help you along your way.

If there are questions that I did not answer, feel free to email me or call.

For more information in WellSea Acupressure, you can visit and, as this is the basis for this work.

Asttarte JAH, Melchizedek Priestess
Healing with the Angels, Usui & Shamballa Reiki Master
Advanced Integrative Energy Therapy, igili, Full Body Axiotonal Alignment
Full Body Energy Scanning, Full Body Energy Balancing, Full Body Chakra Balancing
Full Body Meridian Clearing, Jin Shin Do Acupressure,
WellSea Approach, Spiritual Counseling, Ascension Classes
Shiatsu Massage, Relationship Counseling

Sunday, October 28, 2007

What is Shamballa Multidimensional Reiki?

~Shamballa Reiki ~

What is Shamballa Reiki?

‘Laying on of hands’ is very ancient form of art. Since time began, people have been doing it. Putting your hands on someone is a natural impulse for those who have been injured or are not well. An example of this, are mothers. A mother often puts her hands on the wounded spot when a child has been hurt. Human touch carries healing care and love. This energy is known by many names: Ruach in Hebrew, Prana in India, Chi in China, and Reiki in Japanese.

Energy is natural and is what Shamballa and Reiki practitioners use. However, the Shamballa healer has contact to this energy in a much more significant way since the practitioners are attuned and once attuned the healer’s energy is increased at a frequency much higher than what is naturally given to them upon birth. The attunements boost the healers own life energies, and unites the person to the source of Shamballa Reiki. This Source could be called anything that the healer desires: God, Goddess energy, the first Source, Energy, Chi, etc. Reiki has no connection to any religion, so one is free to call it what they like. I myself like to call this source Mother Father Creator God of all that is.

The method of an attunement is not a healing session. The Attunement initiation. The first initiation is known as Shamballa I. The person who receives this initiation has established a magical gift from Source. After receiving Shamballa I all one has to do is to place their hands on themselves or someone else and say (to themselves or out loud, as they wish) “Shamballa On!” The energy will flow. is what creates the healer after the first

After someone starts to practice using the energy, they may go through a whole of experiencing things that they had never seen or felt before. Some feel more than others. Some feel nothing, but never the less are still channeling the energy. Some see more than others, some sense more than others, and some may not feel a change in their abilities at all. However, they will most often feel heat or tingling in their hands. “It is like plugging in.” Every time you lay your hands on yourself or someone else, the energy is there. All you have to do is call on it. The intention is what holds the key.

Shamballa is not only intended for those who wish to become healing practitioners. “It is also for people who want to become whole themselves.” The Shamballa attunements make it possible for someone to heal himself or herself. The attunements of Shamballa make it possible for you to heal yourself, both physically and spiritually. With Shamballa, you are able to break habits and addictions, to heal yourself on a mental and emotional level. People who are suffering problems with health and who have mental imbalances should receive Shamballa attunements. It is simple to do Self-healing by using the hand positions that are taught in the Shamballa course. These positions are not only for healing yourself, but they are also used for healing others. After the attunement has been it is a good idea to do a self-healing When it is possible, one should also practice on others. Practicing on others or yourself helps to settle into the energy and become used to it. This is a process and takes several months to adjust to the energies. Be patient with yourself, as the transition may be a rough one, but after the period of cleansing it will be very rewarding. session daily.

When you embark on the quest of Reiki, and especially Shamballa, it is very often the case where you heal one problem, which then leads to healing others. And this is very important to be aware of. Pain is often felt in a completely different place in the body than where the pain originated. For an example, headaches are often caused by emotional stress. “Healing the headache also heals the emotions. We should know as Shamballapractitioners that most of the dis-ease we suffer in the physical has its source in the emotional and mental bodies. If we root out the cause, the effect simply goes away. As healers we should encourage people to talk. By doing this, we can help them to discover the source of their dis-ease. We might hear some terrible stories, but we should not react to them. We should transmute the energy of fear into love, by being love ourselves. This really means that we give loving support to them. By allowing the healee to go through this process, we allow them to find out what is wrong. This may even be form past lives. If a person starts to get emotional and you are not experienced in dealing with this. Just ask the Shamballa guides to help you. Master Germaine especially has said that he is always available to Shamballa initiates. Stay calm and the universe will look after you. Know that after the release the healee will have grown a lot another thing to realize as a Shamballa healer is that it is not always possible to heal people, because the dis-ease that they suffer from might be a part of their soul’s purpose in this life. If this is the case, and the eventually die from it, know that death is also a healing process. Death is usually a lot less traumatic than being born! Modern societies try to deny the fact that death happens everywhere. They think that if they deny it, it won’t happen. Death happens everywhere, every day. You must realize that it is merely a transition. In this age, death can be avoided by the ascension process. This is a process of becoming light, and being able to stay awake and conscious through the dimensional change.” “Sometimes it happens that people block the healing. This usually occurs when they don’t believe in it. You must always first seek their permission to heal, and this will usually mean that they are open to it. But it could also be that they are feeling a little apprehensive in which case loving perseverance will soon release the block. Remember, it up to the healee to choose whether or not they become whole.” “Shamballa relaxes and rejuvenates. Some would say that Shamballa cannot replace missing limbs or right congenital birth defects. I say that this is limiting the system. If it is not the souls choice to suffer this, in this life, I say that we can, with the aid of the Source, accomplish anything. The seed blueprint for creation is wholeness, and wholeness is Love. Reiki is love, so don’t limit yourself. Do every healing with the result firmly in your mind. This result of course is wholeness in accordance with divine will, whatever that might be. If you always looks for results in accordance with divine will, you will find that you can facilitate the healing of anything, even those that are usually described as terminal.”

“Don’t worry that you may take on the disease of others, because if you work with the Shamballa guides and the Source, this will not happen. The more healing that you do, the more healed you yourself become. Stick to the principles of Shamballa/Reiki, and don’t interfere with the religion and beliefs of others, and step into service with love. Allow yourself to LET GO, and let the Shamballa energy do the rest. Allow the magic into your life and become one with the Source. The more you let go, the more it will flow.”

“Age is no barrier with Shamballa. Infants benefit from the attunement, and it starts their life on a path of service. Senior members of society benefit from being able to heal themselves and others. Shamballa is not only for those that want to heal others; it is for everybody. Being attuned to the Source brings wholeness.”

This information was taken from the Ascended Master Germaine, through John Armitage (Hari Das Melchizedek) Shamballa Multidimensional Healing Manual.

What is an Axiotonal Alignment?

þ Full Body Axiatonal Alignments þ

“Bringing in the energy of the future.”

“Our galactic body of creation controls its renewing functions through meridian axiatonal lines which are the equivalent of acupuncture lines that can connect with resonating star systems. These axiatonal lines are not limited to a physical body or a biological creation, but are open-ended and can connect the body vehicle with axiatonal lines that emanate from the various star populations and exist as chemical code mechanisms.”

“Man is a floating biological sub-system existing between Magnetic fields.”

“The human evolution is a preconceived experiment within a world of happenstance relativity.”

“The axiatonal lines can exist independent of the Overself but still require the governing functions of the Higher Evolution.”

“The axiatonal grids tend to enter and interface with the biological activity taking place on higher or lower vibratory frequencies within the space being used by various biologies. The grids are not governed by the laws and mechanisms controlling physical evolution, for they operate by means of their own accretion of energy for maintenance.”

“Man at this time is being advanced to a new biological program of creation.”

“A whole new specie is being created at this time by the bringing together of the Adamic Overself-human creation which will allow this spiritual-biological expression of the Christ Race to be advanced to the next consciousness time zone of creation.”

“The axial lines are part of a fifth-dimensional circulatory system combining color and sound, which are used to draw from the Overself body the basic energy used for the renewing of the human evolutionary body.”

The combining of Medical Astronomy and Molecular biology allows for “the tRNA molecules to cause cells to alter their normal properties, which will then receive the original genetic transmissions given through a ‘spin point,’ to a cell.”

Axiatonal lines, thus, cause new patterns of cellular circumvolution to take place.”

“The spin point takes energy and weaves the light grids which form the fabric of cellular regenesis.”

“The spin points receive their energies via the axiatonal lines.”

“Through the axiatonal arrangement, both acoustical vibrations of spiritual Light and Living Light.”

“The key then opens the door for sonic vibrations generating gravitational light within the body.”

Writings above are taken from the book: The Keys of Enoch, (Key 317: 1-62)


When you receive a Full Body Axiatonal Alignment, you connect to the cosmic lattice, clearing your meridian lines, and balancing your chakras. It helps one to re-establish a connection to your overself/oversoul bringing “the energy of the future” to you.

AXITONAL ENERGY recharges continually all bodies and also assists to clear away negative patterns of the emotions and the mind.

An example to explain what the axiatonal energy looks like, or feels like, is this:

All around us is a sea of energy. It flows and swirls, ready to be activated at any moment. The sea looks like an imagined net of invisible lines throughout all of space and time, everywhere around you, in everything and in every place. It extends from the ground, into the air, into the sky, and out into the universe and even beyond our own. A few terms for this are: the “cosmic lattice”, universal grid” and “living universe.” However, there are not only lines all around us, but there are also lines within and through our own bodies. You can see this when looking upon a chart of acupuncture lines if you have ever been to an acupuncturist or chiropractors office.

At one time, our own acupuncture lines were connected to the cosmic lattice that surrounds us. The lines were known as “axiatonal line” or axiatonal meridians. They connected all levels of our self on all dimensions. They feed into a fifth dimensional circulatory system. The lines helped maintain our physical body and organs. The lines were then severed and the human body was left with enough energy to sustain life, but we were unable to access the higher energies of the universe on higher dimensional levels.

The FULL BODY AXIATONAL ALIGNMENT helps to re-establish this connection to the universal grid and new axiatonal lines are created. The more alignments received, the more lines are then created to allow for this connection on deeper and deeper levels. The first FULL BODY ALIGNMENT is the beginning of this process to bring us back to the light beings that we once were, and that we are now working towards this accomplishment on a universal level to ‘our’ planet Earth; Gaia. Spread the light with you.


A FULL BODY AXIATONAL ALIGNMENT does not mean the same thing for every person. Things that could be enhanced could be as simple as ‘being more aware of the things that are around you, ‘being able to see things you could not see before; having more intuitive and natural abilities,’ ‘feeling more connected with the world and the things that are around you,’ feeling an increase in your five senses,’ or ‘having an enhancement of various types of your 6th sense of psychic awareness,’ or ‘just feel better all around physically.’ Remember, life is precious and a treasured journey. There is no rush as we are all working to evolve and become better people, however, we can only do it in the pace that we are ready. Enjoy each moment for what it is, every day.

What Marie Regine Essassani said about her alignment, a European teacher of Axiatonal Alignments, received the pattern for conscious alignment, reconnection of the Axiatonal grid in 1995:

“The AXIATONAL ALIGNMENT is the most precious gift ever offered to Humanity. It transforms the Earthly instrument (the human body) profoundly and totally. It dissolves the structures that kept in place the seven chakras system. The limiting ways of functioning by which the antiquated system held human consciousness confined also dissolves.”

Her definition of the Alignment:

“The Axiatonal Alignment is a very subtle grid of light that is infinite in nature. It is the perfect blueprint behind the severed, stained and distorted acupuncture grid and meridians. Through the Axiatonal Alignment, on very subtle levels, the earthly instrument (human body) is re-aligned, reconnected and activated.”

A FULL BODY AXIATONAL ALIGNMENT is a two-day process to perform that takes approximately an hour or more. It is done in a quiet setting, one on one. It is preferred to do the two alignments within a few days of each other rather than spreading it out over several weeks.

COST FOR THE FULL BODY AXIATONAL ALIGNMENT IS: $327.00, Re-alignments are: $138.00

I bless you all on your journey of wonder and light!


For more information, go to

What is igili Healing with the angels?

Questions you might have about igili are:

What is the Igili Energy Therapy?

Igili energy therapy is a light gentle touch energy therapy where one can feel relaxed and at peace within them.

Where did Igili come from?

Igili is a name of a group of 7 angels that came from the Pleiadian times. The Founder of Igili is Victoria Pendragon.

What is the difference between Igili Energy Therapy and other energy therapies?

Igili is so much like the energy of reiki that often people can get the two confused. However, the difference with the energy of Igili is that when the practitioner works on the client, the healing is occurred within the body. Igili energy goes in the body, and stays there so that the person receiving can learn the lesson as to why the imbalanced energies started in the first place. The energy of Igili then works immediately to support the individual in a space of compassion so that these harmful imbalanced energies can be removed. This occurs only through the disintegration of them as they dissolve in time.

There are no guaranties to the healing of Igilli. The only guarantee is your commitment to your own process of healing. I wish you much love and joy on your journey.

Igili Energy Healing from the Angels

Igili (pronounced EE-GE-LE) Energy Healing is a modality that was introduced by a woman named Victoria Pendragon. She channeled in this energy early in 1998.

The energy was brought to and through her by the angels. Igili is a word from the ancient Hebrew language for Angel. In the days when the planets and the Earth were coming into form, billions of years ago, the Angelic energies swamped all levels of reality. Many of the angels who came to earth chose to be embodied as human beings. The angels, who chose not to be in the flesh, chose to work with the elements of Earth, Air, Fire and Water in order to assist the beings that lived on Earth in their physical bodies. The angels that chose to assist the people on Earth with these elements were known as the angels of Igili.

Igili is a successfully transformational energy. Igili recognizes the fact that any pain or disease in the body is only an information- guided energy that the body is not able to absorb. Other modalities pull the trapped energies that are within the body out. This then relieves the body of the information, where the ‘lesson’ would normally have taken place. The mind, body, spirit, and soul are then unable to learn the lesson. However, with Igili, instead of the energy being removed from the body it is integrated within. It disperses within the body and the lesson is learned. The energy is absorbed and the mind, body, spirit and soul can move forward and heal. Igili is a modality that is different than any other. It can be used in conjunction with other forms of healing, although when used alone, one receives the full benefit of the work of the angels. Like other forms of healing it can be used to access the energies in the fields around the body, just as all other forms of energy healing are used.

Igili is an intuitively guided energy just as Reiki, Shamballa, Tera-Mei Seichem, IET, Kundalini, Lotus Light and Frequency Balancing are. There are no special hands positions, nor is there a special order in which to proceed. In using Igili I will go where I sense to place my hands and how to move them just like all the other forms of healing. Although the exceptions are IET and Frequency Balancing, as there are specific movements for these modalities. The flow of the treatment will depend on what is occurring throughout the energies at the time of the session. There is no form or guideline to follow in the session as they are guided through the energies of the angels and the higher power of the creator. Although the one thing that is certain, is that I as the practitioner will be with you whether you can feel me or not. Contact me for a session of Igili.

What is Integrated Energy Therapy?

Questions regarding IET:

When you have just received a full body healing session with Integrated Energy Therapy. Then what?


What is Integrated Energy Therapy; IET?

Some like to call this the energy of Angel Ariel. This is a form of energy work that is directly connected to this Divine Angel; an angel invisible to many but immediately helpful as soon as she is called on. She is the angel who is channeled when using the system of IET. Integrated Energy Therapy clears out a person’s blocked energy field, and aura through gentle acupressure on the chakras and gestures with the hands.

Integrated Energy Therapy is a form of healing that uses light acupressure and a pulling out hand gesture technique to cleanse the physical body and aura of emotional blocks from the present or past. IET cleanses the body internally and externally, using a method to pull the energies out from the body clearing the aura, or energy field with a simple movement of the hand in connection with the acupressure point the practitioner holds.

IET is a form of energy work that is directly connected to working with Angel Ariel. Angel Ariel is the angel who works on clearing out peoples blocked energy fields on a cellular level. Knowing Angel Ariel is not essential to the belief that the healing has occurred. The acceptance of the healing from the practitioner is all that needs to take place.

One does not have to work with Angel Ariel. If you are guided to be with your higher self, or have another divine being with you, like Master Jesus or Buddha, you may. However, Angel Ariel is the direct linkage of IET, but you may work with whomever you like.

Ok, so I’ve received a session with IET. How can that help me?

IET is a method that helps to release the heavy energy in your aura, or energy field so that you can feel the real beauty that is all around you every single moment of your life. IET helps release the heavy feeling that most people carry on their shoulders and allows the feeling of freshness to overcome you, and a feeling of walking on air when the session is complete. However, when one session is complete it is not the completion of one’s healing. IET is the tool for peeling the layers of the onion, so that the next layer can be removed to clear out a new level of the individual’s process. IET helps clear out pain on the physical body, deep and hidden emotions or present emotions on the emotional body, and scattered and confused thoughts in the mind.

What to expect after a treatment with Integrated Energy Therapy:

Many changes in your perception may occur. Some people have experienced a new feeling for life; the sky and earth feels beautiful, the ground below your feet feels good, safe and warm, a feeling of gratitude may overcome you, a feeling of acceptance and knowing everything is going to be okay, and a deeper love for yourself and others may take place. Others may feel more relaxed and at ease in their daily schedule of life. You may feel more able to listen to other people’s problems, or have a better sense of your own feelings about your own. Some may become more intuitive and sensitive to different energies around them; which may or may not be a source of their own individual pain.

Whatever struggles you may have faced in your life, Integrated Energy Therapy helps you to clear the walls that were in the way to seeing the real beauty of your life and helps real healing to occur. IET can give a sense of knowing about your own struggles, and give you a feeling of peace about your current situation.

OK, so I know what IET is. How do I know it can really help me?

IET has helped many different people with many different situations. Some of the more severe cases are:

Crohn’s Disease, Endometriosis

Fibromyalgia, Multiple Sclerosis, Anxiety Disorders

How to continue the process of healing after a treatment:

Some recommendations for continuing the process are:

· Take a nice long bath – any or all of the following items can and would be very beneficial to your bath:

Epsom Salt (1/4 to ½ cup), Sea Salt (~ 1/8 cup), Lavender Oil (no more than 1 – 3 drops), any other essential oil you feel drawn to (1 - 3 drops is plenty, 5 – 7 drops at the most depending on the oil), Sunflower Oil (this is good to rub on yourself if you choose to use a lot of Essential oils – 5 or more, as it will prevent you from getting burned from the oils), Apple Cidar Vinegar (1/2 to 1 cup – this is also good to use if adding more than 5 different types of essential oils to your bath), Bach Flower Remedies – Rescue Remedy is wonderful for times of stress as well as clearing out energies. This is a great Flower Essence to use after an IET session in the bath. Crystals are always a nice addition to the bath to help remove energies from you and add a nice healing energy to the tub. Crystals are wonderful helpers for intention. Candles and incense at your desire and discretion.

· Taking walks, reading, drinking herbal tea, eating a light diet – low in carbs & dairy, high in vegetables and fruits, and of course following your own feelings.

The best way to continue with the process of healing is to follow your own guidance and intuition to what makes you feel good in the moment. If you feel you need to rest, rest. If you feel you want to spend time with others, spend time with them. If you feel you want to be alone, be alone. There are no rules with how to continue with the process of healing, only following your own feelings is what will bring you the most comfort, and ultimately doing what you love, will heal you as you follow your heart.

There are no guaranties to the healing of IET. The only guarantee is your commitment to your own process of healing. I wish you much love and joy on your journey.

For more information on Integrated Energy Therapy, visit the website: